Le moulin à huile d'olive est ouvert !
Horaires de réception des olives :
LUNDI : 8h - 12h / 16h - 19H
& DU MARDI AU SAMEDI : 16h - 19h
Sans rendez-vous
pour le lot commun et l'extraction privée
Date limite des apports d'olives pour olives maturées : samedi 7 décembre.
Bring your olives
The Bastide du Laval mill will open its doors to olive crushing from Monday October 16 to Saturday December 9, 2023 . Final dates to be specified depending on the maturation of the olives. Reception of olives from Monday to Saturday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Monday morning from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. We are closed on Sunday.
All olive bringers are accepted at the mill from 5 kg of olives .
Private extraction of your olives is assured from 150 kg of olives .
Between 5 kg and 150 kg of olives , they will join a selected and qualitative common batch (batches of olives in poor condition will not be accepted). The oil yield applied for the common batch will be that of the common batch from the day before and you will leave immediately with your oil.
Above 150 kg , we will crush your olives separately and you will have to come back to collect your oil as soon as we call you.
Aucun droit d'entrée ni frais de dossier ne sera facturé. Nous vous facturerons les frais de trituration (frais d'extraction et taxe interprofessionnelle), les bidons avec la main d'œuvre de conditionnement correspondante dans le cas d'une extraction privée, et si demandés, les services annexes optionnels et suppléments.
Crushing prices
- Classic common lot: 0.63€/kg excluding tax 0.67/kg including tax
- Common batch of matured olives : 0.85€/kg excluding tax 0.92€/kg including tax
from the first week of November
Interprofessional tax (FRANCE OLIVE) : €0.15 excluding tax/kg (i.e. €0.18 including tax) of oil applicable to all production
Plastic drums are offered for common extraction.
- From 150 to 8000 kg of olives: €0.45/kg excluding tax €0.47/kg including tax
- From 801 to 1500 kg of olives: €0.39/kg excluding tax €0.41/kg including tax
- From 1501 to 3000 kg of olives: 0.34 €/kg excluding tax 0.36 €/kg including tax
- From 3001 to 5000 kg of olives: 0.30 €/kg excluding tax 0.32 €/kg including tax
- + 5 tonnes of olives: 0.27 €/kg excluding tax 0.28 €/kg including tax
Interprofessional tax (FRANCE OLIVE) : €0.15 excluding tax/kg (i.e. €0.18 including tax) of oil applicable to all production
Supplement for extraction in organic certification: €0.07/kg excluding tax €0.074/kg including tax
Supplement for matured olives (minimum 200 kg): €0.15/kg €0.16/kg incl. tax
Please present a copy of your ORGANIC & AOC certifications where applicable.
Reminder: olive oil is lighter than water: on average 1 liter of olive oil ≈ 0.916 kg
Filtration: 0.20 € / liter of oil excluding VAT (0.21 € including VAT) 200 liters minimum.
Filling small containers (25cl to 100cl): contact us.
Rental of electric combs for harvesting at the rate of €50.00 excluding tax/day.
Packaging prices
- Plastic container with tamper-proof cap 2 liters: €1.45 incl. tax
- Plastic container with tamper-proof cap 3 liters: €1.80 incl. tax
- Plastic container with tamper-proof cap 5 liters: €1.80 incl. tax
- Plastic container with tamper-proof cap 10 liters: €5.00 incl. tax
- Plastic container with tamper-proof cap 20 liters: €8.50 incl. tax
PLEASE NOTE: only stainless steel drums and reused 20 liter plastic drums provided by the mill, clean and dry, will be accepted. The mill is responsible for the containers brought by the contributors.
For the transport of oil in bulk and its conservation, we recommend purchasing stainless steel cans sold at the mill at the best price, reusable for life and easy to clean.
- Stainless steel can (with tap) 2 liters: €72.00 incl. tax
- Stainless steel can (with tap) 3 liters: €75.00 incl. tax
- Stainless steel can (with tap) 5 liters: €87.00 incl. tax
- 15 liter stainless steel can: €85.00 incl. tax
- 30 liter stainless steel can: €110.00 incl. tax
- 50 liter stainless steel drum: €130.00 incl. tax
- Stainless steel faucet: €25.00 incl. tax
- 25 cl metal can: €1.50 incl. tax
- 50 cl metal can: €1.70 incl. tax
- 100 cl metal can: €2.50 incl. tax
- 50 cl glass bottle: €1.80 incl. tax
- 75 cl glass bottle: €2.60 incl. tax
Quand venir récupérer son huile ?
Pour les apports de plus de 150kg, nous reprendrons contact avec vous par téléphone quelques jours après l'apport, dès que vous pourrez venir récupérer votre huile. L’huile est extraite très rapidement mais nous devons également nous occuper de la partie administrative et préparer votre facture. Nous acceptons les paiements par carte bancaire ou espèces.
Le retrait des huiles et le règlement s'effectuent directement à la boutique, du lundi au samedi de 10h à 13h et de 15h à 19h.
Merci de bien vouloir venir retirer votre huile aussitôt que possible avant le samedi 4 janvier 2025.

Our training
Throughout the year, we organize training within the Bastide du Laval in partnership with the France Olive organization to help you as best as possible in the maintenance of your dear olive trees.
Subscribe to our special newsletter for olive suppliers to receive all our information and be informed as soon as training is organized on the estate!
La charte du moulin
Nous vous remercions pour votre confiance et nous partageons quelques conseils qui vous aideront à nous apporter des olives saines, fraîchement récoltées et dans des conditions de maturité optimale en fonction du type d’huile que vous souhaitez produire. Le moulin Bastide du Laval nourrit des ambitions sur la qualité de son huile, mais également sur celle de ses apporteurs.
N’oubliez pas : votre moulinier est votre partenaire tout au long de l’année. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter en cas
de question.
France Olive
For more information on olive growing, do not hesitate to consult the website of France Olive, the French Interprofessional Olive Association.